- Gibson filed a lawsuit against MCC for not wanting to sell him the house after negotiations took place.
- Council sent letter to Gibson, saying
"The corporation may be prepared to sell the house to you at 2,725, less 20% which would be 2,180.
If you would like to make a formal application to buy your council house, please complete your application form and return it to me asap.
- Gibson completed application form, sent it back.
- Gibson waited for awhile, then there was a change in the gov. to the Labour Party from Conservative party.
- Then labour party didn't want to sell the house to Mr Gibson, due to policy changes.
- Gibson filed a lawsuit, claiming that a contract had already came into force.
- MCC appealed to CA, won, as the word "may" suggested that it is an invitation to treat.
And MCC did not make any offer to sell to Gibson.
** When Gibson completed the application, he was making an offer, and not the council accepting the offer.